Weekly undated planner
- Prix habituel
- $17.99
- Prix soldé
- $17.99
- Prix habituel
- $21.99
Achetez avec cœur. Soutenez la Lutte contre le Cancer
Achetez avec cœur. Soutenez la Lutte contre le Cancer
10% des ventes sera versé à la Fondation québécoise du cancer du sein ou à la Société canadienne du cancer.
Weekly undated planner
Cancer or any illness can strike at any time, so we have created this planner with your well-being in mind. In addition, we are aware that referring to dates, names, questions, and appointments can be stressful, and this will assist in maintaining your health as your highest priority.
With this undated planner, there's no pressure to use it consistently, and it can be picked up and put down whenever you need it. In our planner, there is a section for your diagnostics, treatment plan, pages for recording your side effects, medical history, and important dates to remember. We have also included a page where you can gather essential therapeutic resources, such as the name of your practitioner and their contact information. It's possible to include a list of medications you can bring with you at all times. We have included a few pages of your blood cell tracker to keep handy during your treatments.
Our planner includes a weekly mood board, budget planner, and chosen quotes that will motivate, inspire, and appreciate. This planner ends with mandalas and mantras to help you stay focused on healing and occupy your time during treatments.
We want to help you on your journey of finding hope through these challenges. It is our wish that this planner will be your daily companion as you face life's challenges.

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